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Mens in motus

All applications and games on this website are free for both personal and commercial use.

For professional/corporate/business uses where any of them are redistributed to
your customers please email me for acknowledgement.

All the applications and games are portable and make no changes on your system.
You can simply extract them to any directory you like and start them from there.

Command-line applications

This command-line application allows you to delete files in directories and sub-directories.

Extract Resources
This command-line application allows you to extract resources (e.g. JPG and GIF) from any type of binary file.
Hash Calculator

Hash Calculator
This command-line application allows you to calculate the hash of files (e.g., CRC-32, MD5, SHA2, SHA3).

Integrity Check
This command-line application allows you to compare whether files have been added/deleted/changed since the previous check.

Selective Startup
This command-line application allows you to start applications on specific days (e.g., only on weekdays).


Jigoku sudoku Jigoku Sudoku
This is a logic puzzle game where you can play Sudoku and the Jigoku variant. It also includes a level editor and auto-solver.

This is a logic puzzle game where you use mirrors to direct light rays.


Rubik Rubik's cube
This is a series of guides for how to solve Rubik's cubes. Currently there are guides for 2x2x2, 3x3x3, 4x4x4, 5x5x5, 6x6x6, and 7x7x7.


28 April 2023
Updated the Rubik's cube pages
- Added the solution for solving 2x2x2 cubes.

24 April 2023
Updated the Rubik's cube pages
- Changed the colour orientation of the second step for solving 3x3x3. Previously, a random colour was on top, now white is on top.

22 April 2023
Updated the Rubik's cube pages
- Changed the notation of the bottom/left/back faces so that (counter-)clockwise moves are seen from the face's perspective.

22 January 2022
Updated the Jigoku Sudoku game to v1.01.
- Updated to a new compiler (VS2022).
- Added more documentation about how the Jigoku game mode works.

27 June 2020
Updated the SelectiveStartup application.
- Added support for Weekdays and Weekend parameters.

13 June 2020
Added the SelectiveStartup application.
- Initial release.

1 January 2020
Updated the Hash application to v1.70.
- Added support for ARM-32 processors on Windows On ARM.
- Added support for ARM-64 processors on Windows On ARM.

25 December 2019
Updated the Hash application to v1.60.
- Tiger1-128 has been added as hashing function.
- Tiger1-160 has been added as hashing function.
- Tiger1-192 has been added as hashing function.
- Tiger2-128 has been added as hashing function.
- Tiger2-160 has been added as hashing function.
- Tiger2-192 has been added as hashing function.

28 September 2019
Updated the Hash application to v1.50.
- Skein-256 has been added as hashing function.
- Skein-512 has been added as hashing function.
- Skein-1024 has been added as hashing function.

06 July 2018
Rubik's cube pages
- Added some instructions for the very first steps of the 3x3x3 cube so that now all the steps are laid out explicitely.
- Moved a parity fix for the 4x4x4 cube.
- Changed some of the wording for the 6x6x6 cube.

22 May 2018
Rubik's cube pages
- Changed the wording of the parity fixes to make clear which unsolved wings are being referred to.
- Changed the pictures of the parity fixes to point out which unsolved wings are being referred to.

19 Feb 2018
Fixed a bug with a parity fix in the Rubik 4x4x4 page.
The same bug was in the Rubik 6x6x6 page, so I fixed that as well.
Special thanks to Jim Tayler for finding the bug.

7 May 2017
Updated the Hash application to v1.40.
- Blake2-128 has been added as hashing function.
- Blake2-160 has been added as hashing function.
- Blake2-224 has been added as hashing function.
- Blake2-256 has been added as hashing function.
- Blake2-384 has been added as hashing function.
- Blake2-512 has been added as hashing function.

26 February 2017
Updated the Hash application to v1.31.
- MD6-160 has been added as hashing function.
- MD6-224 has been added as hashing function.
- MD6-384 has been added as hashing function.

22 February 2017
Updated the Hash application to v1.30.
- MD6-128 has been added as hashing function.
- MD6-256 has been added as hashing function.
- MD6-512 has been added as hashing function.

9 November 2016
Updated the Rubik 7x7x7 page.
- Added hints to look at the 5x5x5 cube solution if the first couple of steps of the 7x7x7 cube are too difficult.

18 April 2016
Updated the Jigoku Sudoku game to v1.00.
- Added a random level generator (Sudoku only for now).
- You can now delete levels.
- Updated some of the icons.
- Added simple icon instructions.
- Invalid characters in the level name will now be corrected.

28 December 2015
Updated the Jigoku Sudoku game to beta v0.91.
- Added a level solver.

20 December 2015
Added the Jigoku Sudoku game.
- Initial beta release v0.90.
- Game mode works.
- Level editor works.

21 July 2015
Updated the Hash application to v1.21.
- The KECCAK hash functions didn't work if you specified them uniquely (using -hash=ALL did work).

09 June 2015
Updated the Rubik 5x5x5 page.
- The steps are now much more laid out so even beginners should be able to solve the 5x5x5.

05 June 2015
Updated the Hash application to v1.20.
- NIST made a change to the padding of SHA-3. The hash calculations have been updated.
- The hash how it was before the NIST change is also still available under the name KECCAK.

12 May 2015
Updated the Rubik Instructions page.
- Feedback from several people made it clear the instructions were not clear enough.
Updated the Rubik 3x3x3 page.
- There was an error in the instructions (the perspective for the L component).

24 April 2015
Updated the Rubik 6x6x6 page.
- There was a typo in the step where you do center wings (left side).

31 December 2014
Updated the Rubik 3x3x3 page.
- Made an orientation change in the one but last step (6) to make it easier to hold the cube.
- There was a typo in the last step (7) which made the cube unsolvable!

05 November 2014
Updated the IntegrityCheck application to v1.01.
- Only files in the specified paths are taken into account to avoid incorrect deleted/new file
warnings for files not in the path.
- There was a bug when showing double files where files would be shown multiple times instead of only once.

12 September 2014
Added the IntegrityCheck application.
- Initial release.

1 January 2014
Updated the ExtractResources application to v1.02.
- Added support for BMP.
- Files are now only loaded once into memory regardless of the amount of chosen resource formats.
- Fixed an infinite loop when encountering a TEM or RST segment in JPG files.

30 December 2013
Updated the ExtractResources application to v1.01.
- Added support for PNG.
- Fixed memory leak.

21 December 2013
Added the ExtractResources application.
- Initial implementation.
- Only JPG is currently supported.

6 June 2013
Updated the Hash application to v1.14.
- MD4 has been added as hashing function.
- Added test vectors on the web page to allow verifying the Hash application works correctly.

21 February 2013
Updated the Hash application to v1.13.
- SHA3-224 has been added as hashing function.
- SHA3-384 has been added as hashing function.

12 February 2013
Updated the Hash application to v1.12.
- SHA3-512 has been added as hashing function.

10 February 2013
Updated the Hash application to v1.11.
- SHA3-256 fully implemented (including salt).

9 February 2013
Updated the Hash application to v1.10.
- The SHA hash names changed a little bit (e.g., SHA-256 is now SHA2-256).
- Preliminary support for SHA3-256 added. Note: salt doesn't work yet for SHA3-256.

20 November 2012
Updated the Hash application to v1.09.
- No longer dependant on Microsoft's Visual C++ run-time libraries (they are now statically linked).

15 August 2012
Added the DelTree page.

16 April 2012 - 24 april 2012
Added the Rubik's cube page.
- The page explains how to solve Rubik's cubes from 3x3x3 through 7x7x7.

15 April 2012
Updated the Rays game to v1.03.
- Merged the fixed and random modes.
- Added the 'hidden node count' mode.
- Added the game instructions on this webpage.

12 April 2012
Updated the Hash application to v1.08.
- Reworked the command-line parameters.
- Added the option to salt the hashes.

4 October 2011
Updated the Rays game to v1.02.
- Added 64-bit compatibility.

1 October 2011
Added an old game I made in 2004 called Rays.
- Added compatibility for Windows Vista and Windows 7.

28 July 2011
Updated the Hash application to v1.07.
- Whirlpool has been added as hashing function.

21 July 2011
The initial version of the public website has come online.